Wednesday, September 13, 2006

About Me

I have been a long time fan of photography. You can tell by my vast portfolio of subjects. Whether I'm crawling throught the brush after an animal or setting up light stands and strobes, I enjoy the process of capturing the perfect shot. I began my pursuit of a career in photography in early 1998. My travels have taken me all over the world through North America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

WIth homes in Bellevue, Washington and Paris, France, I'm able to get out and pursue any opportunity that comes up.

I'm currently living in Paris for an extended stay with my wife and daughter.

Projects and Awards:

2006 Art Wolfe Environmental Photography Invitational Exhibit
2005 Washington State Heart Gallery Project
2005 Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Exhibit
2004 Nature's Best Magazine International Grand Prize winner of their annual photo contest.
2003 Ritz Camera's National Grand Prize winner of their annual photo contest.


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All text and images copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Randy Harris Photography