Thursday, November 6, 2008

Exciting news for the family

It's been in the works for a few months, but we're finally able to announce that my family and I are moving to Paris, France in late December, 2008. My wife, Gina, has accepted a position to lead her companies' Applications division within their IT group.

It's going to be a big adjustment for us moving to another country, but we're very excited. I think, Delaney, my 13 year old daughter is the most nervous as she will be attending a new school, have half her classes taught in French and will have to make new friends.

We visited Paris last month in an attempt to line up an apartment and have Delaney interview at several schools. The trip was very successful. With the help of a relocation company, A Good Start, we fell in love with the first apartment we saw. It's an old style apartment building in the 15th arrondissement right on the border of the 7th an not far from the 6th. Below is a view looking out the 5th floor living room windows.

We spent some time playing tourist after Delaney was accepted to the Ecole Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel school.

Delaney in front of the Tower Eiffel. I'm looking forwarded to living in the City of Lights and exploring the many many photographic possibilities the city will offer. Look for new Paris photos in early 2009.


1 comments to "Exciting news for the family"

I'm Randy Harris.... said...
November 7, 2008 at 6:44 AM


My fiancé wants to know if we can trade lives with you. :-)

Randy Harris


All text and images copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Randy Harris Photography