Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ethiopia Road Trip

While reading some of the blogs I check out each day it's amazing how distracted I become because one blog mentions this site and that site mentions another site and before you know it, I've gone to six other sites I had no idea ever existed over the course of two hours.

Just the other day I went through several blogs/websites and was directed to's blog and found some interesting stuff. There was great photography as well as terrific video.

The video I've listed below really struck a cord with me. I liked it for several reasons. First, it showed two young guys, I think in their early 20's, on a remote road trip in Ethiopia sharing the experience together (I love road trips). Second, I liked the story behind the video, I think they captured and edited it very well and third, it showed a youthful passion for photography, people, adventure and camaraderie. Sometimes their youth comes out, but I also like that.

Like the old saying goes, I wish I knew then what I know now. It would have been great to know what you wanted to do with such passion when you were 24.

Enjoy, it's 16 minutes long, but worth it.

Joey L in Ethiopia from Joey L on Vimeo.


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